Our Initiatives
We understand the importance of giving back to our communities and thereon, are involved in a wide variety of philanthropic, community development, and women empowerment projects with the ultimate aim of leaving the world in a better position than we found it.

Education for all
Recognising that education is one of the building blocks of any nation, in 1993, we undertook a project of building a state-of-the-art educational institute. Being cognizant to the changing world around us, we firmly believed that our institute, Sardar Patel Educational Institute would help nurture young minds by setting up a platform for children to be self-reliant while enabling them to flourish and thereby contribute to the nation’s development. Today, with over 10,000 enrolled students, our facility boasts of all world-class amenities that has empowered our alumni with the confidence to walk into any job opportunity thus enabling them to stand on their own feet.

Women Empowerment
Within the Sardar Patel Educational Institute, it was found that female students coming from far away regions were unable to find suitable accommodation and were not able to continue with their studies. Apart from this, India was facing a huge gap between literacy rates in men and women. It was of crucial importance that women were empowered to study and create their own paths in life. In light of this, Sheetal Group assisted in opening another school within the institute that catered to female students only. Named the 'SMT L.L.Kakadia Mahila Chhatralaya', the school provides female students with neat, furnished accommodation, and a pleasant environment to assist in their studies.

Healthcare for all
Residents of Bapunagar, a small village in rural Gujarat, and surrounding villages had to travel long distances to get access to good healthcare facilities. The Government-owned Hospitals then often lacked adequate medical infrastructure and good hygiene. Additionally, most of the private hospitals were often not accessible by rural crowds. Given these circumstances, Sheetal Group took the initiative to provide quality healthcare to these underserved citizens. This led to the establishment of the not-for-profit hospital named the 'Kakadia Hospital', in Ahmedabad. The objective of the hospital was to provide low-cost, quality healthcare to those in need. Today, the hospital can accommodate up to 90 patients, and offers 24x7 emergency service. The hospital treated over 36,000 patients in the year 2012

Care for Mother Nature
"Grow us for a Better Tomorrow; we are the roots of Life & Happiness" for rural communities & a small support for society global warming. On the path to environment sustainability, we believe that planting trees is one of the best things that we can do today to safeguard our future Generations. Till now we have planted more than 1000 saplings in Patna cowshed at Nakshatra forest, Agricultural land of Farmers in Patna & other nearby villages, Shree L.G.Kakadia Sec/H.SEC School, Smt L.L.Kakadia Mahila Chatralaya, Partheswar Mahadev Temple and many more places.
By making use of various socio-cultural tools and encouraging villagers to plant 3 saplings for every tree cut. We also know that a little effort made by each one of us can make a huge difference to the overall environment on earth.

A Pillar Of Support During Covid-19
As the coronavirus pandemic throws the world into a state of disarray, India stands at a particularly vulnerable spot as confirmed cases reach an appalling number in a country with a dense population and high-income disparity In times of crisis, every bit of help counts. At Sheetal, we remain strongly committed to fighting the Covid-19 outbreak in India by helping some of the most vulnerable sections of the society - the daily/low-income wage earners, through supply of essential food items. An impressive number of food kits are being made and distributed on a daily basis. We have put our best foot forward to ensure those in the real need of food do not go hungry to bed.

Since 1985, Sheetal’s 4 decades of expertise have made us a global leader in polished diamond manufacturing.
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