Diamond Anatomy
Diamond manufacturing is a beautiful concoction of art, craft and science. It is about taking the best of nature in its rough form, and applying the best of human knowledge to emphasize its unique properties.

Given a diamond’s extraordinary uniqueness and rarity, at Sheetal Group we ensure that every rough diamond, no matter how small or large, is given maximum attention to bring out the most from it. The process begins with analyzing bulk parcels we receive from our portfolio of ethical suppliers. Every diamond in the parcel is weighed and analyzed by our experts to gauge its yield potential. These diamonds are then individually packed into traceable packets to ensure they are not tampered with. Once the sorting process is complete, these individual packets are handed over to the planning department.
Diamond planning is the most crucial stage of the manufacturing process. Every rough diamond may contain impurities that need to be omitted in order to create the most aesthetically pleasing polished diamond.

The challenge is that these impurities may be difficult to see given the rough and opaque texture of a rough diamond’s skin. This is where we use high end technology to create a digital 3D X-ray model of each rough diamond that highlights the location of these impurities. Using this model, specialized planners then simulate various shapes and sizes of polished diamonds within the rough stone through powerful software to bring out maximum value from it. The end result is a blueprint of optimally planned polished diamonds within a larger rough diamond. Directions to cut the stone are then passed on to the sawing department.
When cutting a rough diamond into different pieces, a small error can result in a drastic drop in it’s value. At Sheetal Group, we use high quality laser sawing machines that precisely saw rough diamonds according to their desired cutting plans. The extreme precision offered by these machines allows us to meet the optimal parameters that compose a beautiful polished diamond.
Bruting is the art of shaping a diamond. We shape our diamonds using laser technology and diamond grit covered ceramic wheels. A diamond's girdle is the essence of it's shape. In the traditional bruting process, a motorized ceramic wheel gently brushes against the rough diamond until a perfectly smooth girdle is created outlining the diamond's desired shape. Alternatively, a diamond can also be shaped entirely using laser technology. Once the girdle is made, the diamond is ready for polishing.
Polishing is the final, and most fascinating step in diamond manufacturing. Diamond polishing requires years of experience and highly specialized craftsmanship.

The process involves blocking and faceting the crown and pavilion while meeting extremely precise parameters. A slight deviation from these given parameters may result to a sub-optimal light performance from the polished diamond. At Sheetal Group, we are proud to work with a highly talented team of diamond polishers who constantly deliver the best looking diamonds.
It’s The Journey That Matters
What makes a natural diamond truly special is it’s journey all the way from it’s formation to reaching the crust of the Earth. Every natural diamond is created over a period…

Why Natural Diamonds
What makes a natural diamond truly special is it’s journey all the way from it’s formation to reaching the crust of the Earth. Every natural diamond is created over a period of one to three billion years. To put that into perspective, a natural diamond began it’s journey long, long before dinosaurs even existed! Over 85 miles below the Earth’s surface, natural conditions of extreme pressure and temperature led to the crystallization of carbon atoms in way that resulted to a solid form of pure carbon atoms arranged in a cubic structure. The result was what we call today a ‘rough diamond’. These rough diamonds made their way to the Earth’s crust from the mantle through numerous, aggressive volcanic eruptions. There is nothing that can exemplify the strength of a natural diamond better than it’s test of durability against these eruptions.

A diamond is the hardest known natural substance on Earth which gives it the unique property that only a diamond can cut a diamond. This hardness allows a diamond to be polished enough to reflect light with an unmatched, adamantine lustre. When you see a natural, cut and polished diamond, you can see in plain sight, that nature never fails to surprise us with its wonders. A natural diamond is a symphony written by nature that never fails to amaze. Men may make strides in technology and create objects that surpass the properties of a diamond. In doing so however, men will never be able to recreate the story that a natural diamond holds. The story that makes it real. Just like comparing a superior human-like robot to a natural human being, a natural diamond and it’s integrity cannot be compared with anything that is 'created'.